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#45 De Verteuil Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad & Tobago

Profiles of Women in Leadership

Profiles of Women In Leadership

Profiles of Women In Leadership

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Outgoing President


Outgoing President


Lady A. Anande Trotman-Joseph is the previous President of the Caribbean Women in Leadership (CIWiL).

She is also a practicing Attorney at Law and a Founding Partner of the Law Firm of Chapman and Trotman, and the Managing Partner of the Law Firm of Joseph & Joseph. She is a former Solicitor General of Grenada and is the Immediate Past President of the Grenada Bar Association.

Lady Trotman-Joseph is the current Chairperson of Grenada’s Integrity Commission and is a past Chairperson of the Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Associations and Anti-Corruption Bodies (CCAICACB) and continues to serve on its Executive.

Profiles of Young Women In Leadership (YWiL)

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